- Screen megastar Demi Moore ("Disclosure", "Indecent Proposal") is in top form in this action-packed hit! Moore stars as gutsy Lieutenant O Neil, the first woman ever given the opportunity to earn a place in the armed forces most highly skilled combat unit--the elite Navy Seals! But the already brutal rigors of training camp turn into an unimaginable test of courage and determination once it become
Demi Moore (DISCLOSURE, INDECENT PROPOSAL) is in top form in this action-packed hit! Moore stars as gutsy Lieutenant O'Neil, the first woman ever given the opportunity to earn a place in the armed forces most highly skilled combat unit -- the elite Navy SEALS! But the already brutal rigors of training camp turn into an unimaginable test of courage and determination once it becomes clear that no one -- powerful politicians, top military brass, or her male Navy SEAL teammates -- wants her to succeed! ! A critically acclaimed triumph directed by action hitmaker Ridley Scott (ALIEN, THELMA & LOUISE) -- you'll cheer for G.I. JANE as this brave soldier proves she belongs among the best of the best!It seemed like a pretty good career move, and for the most part it was. Demi Moore will never top any rational list of great actresses, but as her career stalled in the mid-1990s she had enough internal fire and external physicality to be just right for her title role in
G.I. Jane. Her character's name isn't Jane--it's Jordan O'Neil--but the fact that she lacks a penis makes her an immediate standout in her elite training squad of Navy SEALs. She's been recruited as the first female SEAL trainee through a series of backroom political maneuvers, and must prove her military staying power against formidable odds--not the least of which is the abuse of a tyrannical master chief (Viggo Mortensen) who puts her through hell to improve her chances of success. Within the limitations ! of a glossy star vehicle, director Ridley Scott manages to inc! orporate the women-in-military issue with considerable impact, and Moore--along with her conspicuous breast enhancements and that memorable head-shaving scene--jumps into the role with everything she's got. Not a great movie by any means, but definitely a rousing crowd pleaser, and it's worth watching just to hear Demi shout the words "Suck my ----!!" (rhymes with "chick").
--Jeff Shannon
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