- Size:36" x 24" (90cm x 60 cm Approx)
- Framed on a 40mm (4cm) Chunky Canvas Stretcher Frame
- Lifetime Fade Resistant - Printed Using the Highest 12 Colour Canon Printers
- Printed on the highest quality canvas with self tensioning frame wedges
- Produced by the UK's largest supplier. Shipped to you with 48 - 72hours
An established writer, Ranbir is living in marital bliss with his wife Anjali. But one fine day, he gets a phone call and everything changes. On the other side of the line is Ziya his former lover, but their relationship ended as Ziya turned schizophrenic. Ziya informs Ranbir of a well-kept secret that tears his world apart. He has a son by his former lover! This son is now purportedly residing with a family in Goa and Ziya wants Ranbir to accompany her to wish their son on his birthday. So Ranbir decides to go to Goa. Meanwhile Ziya attempts to convince Ranbir that his wife is cheating on him and succeeds in her plans to a large extent. Is Ziya trying to destroy his marriage? Or, is she just another jilted, anguished woman craving for sympathy?This book is developed with the objective of promoting the concept of adoption in India. There are 12.4 million destitute children in India and yet only about 3000 legal adoptions happen in a year!
There are certainly many reasons for this startling factâ¦but is this justified? Can we as parents, as people who are mobilizing ourselves to become a super, liberalized economy really afford to close our minds to this picture?
Adoption in India is mired by red tape, poor social acceptance, illegal practices and many misconceptions about the process itself. These issues and many other questions is what the book covers- right from the causes behind this dismal scenario to actual case stories of adoption and various organisations ! involved in this cause. This book presents a picture of the still-not-so-used word âadoption� in India.
The book caters to:
1)social and child welfare workers and interested individuals
2)the many interested but unsure couples/aspiring parents who want a baby, but are not aware of the process/implications/issues involved
2)parents who have already adopted and are seeking some answers
4)adoptees themselves
Adoption is one of the best forms of rehabilitating a destitute child. It is the most complete form of rehabilitation which provides a highly satisfactory solution to those seeking the experience of bringing up a child and for the child itself. Adoption is an option to many people who are unable to have a child due to medical/infertility/other problems as well as those who may not want to have biological child out of choice.The cherished hope is that many more people are made aware and are able to contribute in some way! towards this very fulfilling cause.
It's a socia! l awaren ess book. The articles are compiled by Catalysts for Social Action (CSA), who is producing this book. Articles are written by experts in the field, by celebrities and parents who have adopted and also by adopted children who are now adults.
The book consists of 28 articles across five sections:
1) The first section is about the the joy of adoption- first hand accounts and interviews from adoptive parents and celebrities about their experience with adoption. Articles cover experiences around their process of assimilation, societal assimilation experiences, single parents' experiences, parents who have brought up a biological child and have also adopted, etc.
2) This section covers the current adoption scenario in India - facts and figures, laws, organizations involved, corporate viewpoints, NGO view points and the process of adoption. .
3) The third section consists of articles on adoptive parenting- the various stages of development, add! ressing adoption related issues, support groups, telling the child about adoption, adoption of a special needs child, the appropriate adoption language, etc. is comprehensively explained through personal and expert writings.
4) The fourth section explores the concept of closure which most adopted children seek and their deep desire to understand why they were relinquished.
5) The final section provides a comprehensive list of adoption agencies in the country.
The book will carry photographs of children from various orphanages in India and also some adoptive parents. The photographs will be in black and white. The jacket will be in color with spot lamination. The book is in standard paperback size.
Our objective is to give two messages â first that adoption is a life altering, win-win option that is very worth-while for both the child and parents. Second, since this is the case, why is the adoption rate so low and what ca! n we do about it? We would like this message to go to as wide ! an audie nce as possible.
This book is developed with the objective of promoting the concept of adoption in India. There are 12.4 million destitute children in India and yet only about 3000 legal adoptions happen in a year!
There are certainly many reasons for this startling factâ¦but is this justified? Can we as parents, as people who are mobilizing ourselves to become a super, liberalized economy really afford to close our minds to this picture?
Adoption in India is mired by red tape, poor social acceptance, illegal practices and many misconceptions about the process itself. These issues and many other questions is what the book covers- right from the causes behind this dismal scenario to actual case stories of adoption and various organisations involved in this cause. This book presents a picture of the still-not-so-used word âadoption� in India.
The book caters to:
1)social and child welfare workers and interested ind! ividuals
2)the many interested but unsure couples/aspiring parents who want a baby, but are not aware of the process/implications/issues involved
2)parents who have already adopted and are seeking some answers
4)adoptees themselves
Adoption is one of the best forms of rehabilitating a destitute child. It is the most complete form of rehabilitation which provides a highly satisfactory solution to those seeking the experience of bringing up a child and for the child itself. Adoption is an option to many people who are unable to have a child due to medical/infertility/other problems as well as those who may not want to have biological child out of choice.The cherished hope is that many more people are made aware and are able to contribute in some way towards this very fulfilling cause.
It's a social awareness book. The articles are compiled by Catalysts for Social Action (CSA), who is producing this book. Articles are written by expe! rts in the field, by celebrities and parents who have adopted ! and also by adopted children who are now adults.
The book consists of 28 articles across five sections:
1) The first section is about the the joy of adoption- first hand accounts and interviews from adoptive parents and celebrities about their experience with adoption. Articles cover experiences around their process of assimilation, societal assimilation experiences, single parents' experiences, parents who have brought up a biological child and have also adopted, etc.
2) This section covers the current adoption scenario in India - facts and figures, laws, organizations involved, corporate viewpoints, NGO view points and the process of adoption. .
3) The third section consists of articles on adoptive parenting- the various stages of development, addressing adoption related issues, support groups, telling the child about adoption, adoption of a special needs child, the appropriate adoption language, etc. is comprehensively explained through perso! nal and expert writings.
4) The fourth section explores the concept of closure which most adopted children seek and their deep desire to understand why they were relinquished.
5) The final section provides a comprehensive list of adoption agencies in the country.
The book will carry photographs of children from various orphanages in India and also some adoptive parents. The photographs will be in black and white. The jacket will be in color with spot lamination. The book is in standard paperback size.
Our objective is to give two messages â first that adoption is a life altering, win-win option that is very worth-while for both the child and parents. Second, since this is the case, why is the adoption rate so low and what can we do about it? We would like this message to go to as wide an audience as possible.
The above product is a FRAMED CANVAS meaning it comes ready stretched on a canvas stretcher bar fram! e. All you need to do is take it out the box, hang it on your ! wall sta nd back and admire! We are a specialist Canvas Printing company who now also manufacture and produce Perspex printed mounts. Over the last 6 years we have grown to become the UK's largest seller of Printed Canvas Art. This year alone we have already shipped out in the region of 168,000 canvas prints. We operate from a fully equipped 6000sqft art studio based in London (UK). All our canvas prints are printed on the highest quality canon canvas printing machines and are hand stretched by our professional 12 man stretching team. All items are made to order and nothing is bulk created and stored away. We have all our raw materials such as canvas, stretcher bars and packaging specially manufactured for us. We pride ourselves on the highest of quality and customer services. If you have any questions related to this product or any of our services feel free to contact the Canvas101 team. DON'T BE PUT OF ORDERING; if you're ordering from the USA or CANADA please don't be put of orde! ring just because we are on the other side of the country. We have teamed up with world leaders FEDEX and are now able to get a parcel from the UK to the USA within 48-72 of you placing your order. We have also been known to ship good to the USA within 24 hours before. In order to make ordering as easy as we can we have also set up a US based telephone support number ( 16467701959 ) which is available from 8.00am - 6.00pm (GMT)